Elections Amerada

Elections Amerada

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Welcome to Elections Amerada

Here you will find out all about elections that are going on in Amerada.

Visit Amerada here.


Lower San Datoon by-election (Tebec legislature)
Date: May 20th, 2002 to May 27th, 2002
Registered Parties: DLPT, TCP
Total Votes: 24
Winner: TCP, 15 (62.5%)
Second: DLPT, 9 (37.5%)

Next elections:
DLPA government leadership election.
Polls open: October 12th, 2002, noon EDT
Polls close: October 19th, 2002, noon EDT
Registered Party: DLPA

Amerada presidential election.
Polls open: December 7th, 2002, noon EST
Polls clsoe: December 14th, 2002, noon EST
Resistered Parties: DLPA, RCAA, MSA

M.C.D. governieral election (incl. legislature)
Polls open: December 21st, 2002, noon EST
Polls close: December 28th, 2002, noon EST
Registered Parties: DLPMCD, MSMCD, RCAMCD

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Register a party.

You can register your own political party in Amerada. All you must do is email us with a lengthy description of you party. email here!